

The daily administration of FRI is carried out by the secretariat.

Henrik Garver
Henrik Garver

Managing director
Cand.scient.pol., MBA
E-mail: hg@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 42

 Ulla Sassarsson
Ulla Sassarsson

Deputy director
Attorney at Law
Secretary for the Contracts Committee
E-mail: us@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 41

Inge Ebbensgaard
Inge Ebbensgaard

Information Officer
M.Sc. Business Administration
Secretary for the Construction Committee
E-mail: ime@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 43

Majbritt Juul
Majbritt Juul

Senior consultant
M.sc Business Administration and Commercial Law
Secretary for the Infrastructure Committee
E-mail: mj@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 46

Ulrik Ryssel Albertsen
Ulrik Ryssel Albertsen

Head of Business Policy
M.Sc. in Social Science
Secretary for the Environment & Climate Committee and the International Market Committee
E-mail: ura@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 44

Frederikke Vorborg
Frederikke Vorborg

MSc pol
Secretary for the Energy Committee
E-mail: flv@frinet.dk
Phone: 53773745

Morten Vendt
Morten Vendt

Communications, PR
Press & Storytelling
E-mail: mv@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 47

Tine Lautrup Christensen
Tine Lautrup Christensen

MA Communications
E-mail: tlc@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 32

Gitte Hartmeyer
Gitte Hartmeyer

E-mail: gh@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 33

Mikkeline Bernbom
Mikkeline Bernbom

Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
E-mail: mb@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 37

On leave!

Noah Mørch Rysager
Noah Mørch Rysager

Journalist trainee
E-mail: nmr@frinet.dk
Tlf: 35 25 37 40

Viktor Lykke Mouritsen
Viktor Lykke Mouritsen

Student assistant
E-mail: vlm@frinet.dk 
Phone: 21 51 37 31

Ulla Michael
Ulla Michael

E-mail: um@frinet.dk
Phone: 35 25 37 37