Forms of doing business in Ukraine

The Public Union ‘Interstate Consultants Engineers Guild’ (ICEG) is an international NGO founded in 2015. Since 2017 it has been a Member of the European Federation of Consulting Engineering Associations (EFCA), which is FIDIC Representative in Europe and in 2021, the ICEG became a Member of Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF).

The ICEG promotes the development of consulting engineering industry in Ukraine and brings together almost 1,100 members from the engineering sector including 1,031 individuals, 43 Ukrainian companies, 16 foreign companies and three self-regulatory public organisations in the construction industry.

ICEG are ready to provide free consulting support to FRI member companies interested in entering the Ukrainian market on a case by case basis. Perhaps it would be reasonable to compile a list of issues regarding Ukraine that could be of particular interest to Danish companies for further discussion. Analysts and lawyers at ICEG with practical experience would prepare relevant materials for this request.

Genopretningsplaner i EU - et overblik
Genopretningsplaner i EU - et overblik
Ministerrådet har godkendt de nationale genopretningsplaner for en række EU-lande. Dermed er startskuddet givet til massive milliardinvesteringer i grøn omstilling, digitalisering, sundhed og infrastruktur.
"FN's Verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling blev nedtaget af verdens stats- og regeringsledere på FN topmødet i New York den 25. september 2015. Det markerede en hidtil uset ambitiøs og transformativ udviklingsdagsorden. Målene trådte i kraft den 1. januar 2016 og skal frem til 2030 sætte os kurs mod en mere bæredygtig udvikling for både mennesker og planeten vi bor på."
"The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030. Click on any specific Goal below to learn more about each issue."  - United Nations